Spam is frustrating. That’s why we’ve sourced the most innovative and effective anti-spam software for our clients as part of our Managed IT Support. And we deliver with up to 90% of all spam being blocked.
This provides our clients with an even higher level of assurance by protecting users from viruses, phishing and spyware threats.
Network Security
Core IT are experienced at protecting our clients and minmising risk of their networks being breached, meaning all our clients are protected from business disruption. It also ensures the protection of our client’s customer data should they be storing private information.
Network security refers to any activities designed to protect your network. Core IT’s Managed IT Support includes the following network security – firewalls, anti virus software and anti spyware.
Many network security threats today are spread over the Internet. The most common include:
- Viruses, worms and Trojan horses
- Spyware and adware
- Zero-day attacks, also called zero-hour attacks
- Hacker attacks
- Denial of service attacks
- Data interception and theft
- Identity theft
Contact Core IT to learn more about the how we can secure your network